You will find our products wherever a particularly efficient and intelligent solution for moving air is required or wherever super-small drives work reliably and precisely. Whether in the industrial or private sphere, everyone comes into contact with a variety of ebm-papst products every day – usually without even noticing them. Did you know that one single home could be hiding up to 20 ebm-papst products?
None of this would be possible without looking at the bigger picture of how aerodynamic elements work together, meaning the perfect interaction between motor technology, electronics and aerodynamics. Our products directly combine our three core areas of expertise. We always aim to use air and movement as efficiently as possible, whether that’s in the smallest possible space, in large areas or in extreme ambient conditions. This is the only way for our customers to produce high-quality end products with the same consistency, such as air conditioners that are hardly noticeable, precise systems for cooling electronics or high-performance, energy-saving heating systems.