The Food Service Data Management Cloud (FS.Da.Ma.) solution, which includes both portal and Wi-Fi gateway, has been developed for the Food Service market with special attention to applications for Ho.Re.Ca., ice-cream & pastry, farm food shops, gas stations, butcheries, and small food stores. FS.Da.Ma. includes different services to optimize food preservation for the food industry, such as the collection and storage of necessary data for HACCP evaluation as well as alarm notifications of the connected refrigerated cabinets. The remote control allows actions on each single cabinet every time maintenance or parameter changes are needed, guaranteeing rapid response by a high-qualified staff.
FS.Da.Ma. uses a Wi-Fi gateway (named IoT Gateway) for the connection of Emerson devices compatible with the portal. The “Zero Touch Configuration” function simplifies installation operations, also for users without specific technical knowledge. The system is completely auto configurable: once a compatible Emerson device is connected to the Wi-Fi gateway, it will be automatically associated to the user account; all informationyou need about your devicewill be available directly on your mobile phone, tablet or PC. The integrity and security of the FS.Da.Ma. is continuously monitored and guaranteed by the Emerson cyber security team.